30 July 2008

Details, Details...

There are no spoilers to the Batman movie in this post.

Last Saturday I finally went to see Dark Knight. I say finally because even though it had only been out for a week, it seemed as though I was the only person in the country who had not seen it yet! Anyway, my plan was to leave my house about 40 minutes before the movie started at 5:10pm, which would leave me plenty of time to run by Target across the street first. I left a little later than planned but still made it to Target and I ended up buying my ticket at almost exactly 5:10pm.

I go into the theater and make my way to Theater #2, as it clearly states on my ticket. I hand the nice ticket-tearing guy my ticket and he points me toward the left where my theater is waiting. I look over and see that the second theater is indeed playing Dark Knight. I quickly slide into the restroom knowing that I'll miss a couple of previews, which I don't like doing because I love previews, but this is a two and a half hour movie and I have the world's smallest bladder. So, I make a quick run through the restroom and then dart into my theater.

To my surprise, the movie has already started. Hmm... kind of odd, but whatever. It's one of the smaller theaters and the place is FULL. I go up a few rows and ask the lady and her husband if the one empty seat next to her is taken. She says no and I slide in and sit down, put down my bag and turn my phone to silent. After maybe 30 seconds I'm settled and ready to take in this amazing movie I've heard so much about.

The Joker is in a hospital room and talking to a guy that I've seen in the previews so I have an idea of who's in the scene. But, after a little bit I realize that I've missed something. But I waited a little bit longer just to see what was going on before I do anything. After about 20 minutes or so, I lean over to the nice lady who let me slide in next to her...

Me: What time did this movie start?
Nice Lady: 3:10
Me: Ahhh.... I'm in the wrong theater (duh). lol
Nice Lady: Yep

So, I gathered my things and left thinking that either I really did go into the wrong theater or the lady who sold me my ticket sold me one for two hours earlier. I check out my ticket as I leave and indeed, in my hurry to get to the movie, went into the wrong theater. Again, duh.

I had three options at this point.
1) Go to the appropriate theater and miss the FIRST 20 minutes of the movie
2) Go to the front, explain what happened and buy another ticket
3) Find what theater the 5:40pm showing was in and go to that movie and see the entire thing

Some of you may be sad to know that I took option number 3. And really, I don't know that management would have minded... :)

I'm telling you, some days I think I have blonde hair under all of this brunette stuff on my head. LOL Hey, at least I know how to laugh at myself, right? Well, that and I love giving "my" public entertaining stories about my life ;)


Anonymous said...

i love this story. :)

Mary Beth Spann said...

My dad said that when he was little, they would just play movies over and over again, and that they wouldn't sell a ticket for a particular time, so basically, you would just go into the movie where ever it was playing, in the middle or end or wherever, like you did, and then you would just stay once it started over, catch the beginning, and fill in the blanks. I told him that sounded like no fun, and he said they didn't know any different. This was in the 40's -- I'm glad they caught on and realized that was silly.
Back to your story-- how funny!!! I bet that lady was so confused when you first came and sat next to her.

Sabrina said...

Let's just say that once I put 2 and 2 together and asked her what time the movie started, the look on her face was "It's about time you figured that out!" LOL