05 January 2009

12 Goals... because I don't do resolutions

1. donate my hair to Locks of Love
i've tried before but have been unsuccessful. they need 10 inches so i think by summer i'll be able to chop it without going with a pixie cut.

2. read at least one non-fiction book for every two fiction books i read
i love reading but i don't stimulate my brain with non-fiction :)

3. go see family in easley
they are just down the road. i have no excuse.

4. get in better shape
i know i know. it's cliché but i feel better when i work out and we are supposed to take care of the bodies God has given us, so it really just makes sense.

5. read the bible through
lee cunningham posted a chronological plan on facebook so there's a group of us reading through it. last time i tried i got about 3/4 of the way there so i want to finish this time!

6. go at least one date
no idea how i am going to make this happen, but well, surely it's possible.

7. save some money
i went through dave ramsey's financial peace this past summer and so far so good... i just want to stay on a roll :)

8. write at least one note/letter to a friend a month
i've been wanting to do this for a while but just haven't. so now it's in writing and i have to... right?

9. deepen my prayer life

my relationship with Jesus is more important than anything. but i don't always treat it that way. and again, i have no excuse.

10. purchase a pair of name brand jeans
i know it's kinda silly but i just want to. they're great jeans and really are worth the price! and since i know how to budget now, i can save up for them and not go into debt to buy them :)

11. be better about updating my blogs!
it's not super easy to do since i don't have internet at home but i'll just have to be more intentional about it

12. launch photographsbysabrina.com
keep your eyes open... i'll keep you posted!

HAPPY 2009!!!

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