10 October 2008

16 things...

... that I'm thankful for.

1) God's grace
2) His Son, Jesus
3) my amazing family (mom, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins!!)
4) my Clemson girls
5) phone calls from old friends (like the one I just received from Melody!)
6) a job that i love
7) the fact that i consider the people i work with to be more like family than co-workers
8) the 5 months that i lived in Belgium
9) Arica and the Greens, none of whom i would know had i not gone to Belgium
10) the chances i've had to travel the world
11) the fact that i have friends in 6 different countries who would let me sleep on their couch should i ever get over to see them... :)
12) my Clemson Tigers (regardless of their ability to play sports)
13) a church that i love serving with in Greenville, SC
14) a small group - i mean, community group - that i adore
15) my new camera
16) cherry coke and chocolate

ok, i realize that last one had two in it, but they HAD to make the list. and really, i could go on FOREVER with things that i'm thankful for. this list doesn't even really scratch the surface.

what are YOU thankful for? everyone has at least 2 things they could name off the top of their head. come on, you can do it!


jill said...

My family
My friends

You said 2, Sabrina, so there they are, plain and simple.

You are definitly tops in the friend category :)

Jodi said...

the family God has given me
the ability to celebrate the true reason of the Christmas season

but you're right...we could go on forever! (and how wonderful is that?)