11 January 2007

One step at a time...

Apparently each day we are supposed to take 10,000 steps. Yes, you read that right, 10,000 steps. Well, I've been wearing a pedometer for a few days and yesterday evening after I got home from church I had gone 8,400+ steps. Well, it was about 9:30pm but good night, I was almost there!! So, I did what any normal person would do. I started running in place in front of the tv, I ran up and down the stairs as many times as I could, I walked the peremeter of every single room in the house (and all of this was after I had run a mile and a half and walked another mile while working out in the afternoon!).

My calves were screaming in agony and my heart was pounding. I went upstairs to get ready for bed and before brushing my teeth, I looked down at my pedometer... 9,668 steps. Dang it! So, I paced while I brushed my teeth and ended up having to go downstairs again for something. I came back up expecting to have to run in place for another few minutes but when I looked down, it read 10,049 steps! WOOHOO!! That was about 4.6 miles that I walked yesterday and close to 500 calories burned.

I don't know that I can do it every day, but man, I definitely got a work out!! lol!


Anonymous said...

I think you just figured out how to make TV healthy...run in place while watching it. I wonder how many steps I take when I run a mile?

Rebecca said...

That is crazy!!! I wonder how many steps i take each day chasing this crazy toddler boy all over my house and our yard!!!!! maybe, I will become movitated- thanks to YOU=) and start running in place while our tv is on!!!