21 July 2006

Mexican Police

I don't know how I could have forgotten about this...

Just imagine a 15 passenger white rental van, plush, CD player, slightly tinted windows that could still be easily seen through from the outside with New Mexico plates. We're on our way to the next town over to attend the pastor's brother-in-law's wedding. All of a sudden, there are blue flashing lights behind us. We're being pulled over! We all frantically try to discreetly put our seatbelts on to make it look like there aren't too many people crammed in there while one cop walked up to the driver's window and the other two are hanging around the back of the van and looking in at us. Luckily the pastor is sitting in the passenger's seat and we're all deathly silent as we await the verict. Was Danny speeding? Were the tags expired??

Verdict: they saw a lot of people in the van and were curious as to what we were doing. Yep, you got that right. Just think about the irony for a second... It cracked us up and it still makes me laugh!

PS - I'm working on the pictures and hopefully will have the link up soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

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