03 June 2007

Holy Babies, Batman!

Just had to get this out...

I tend to laugh at myself a lot because while I'm not the drama queen, I can work myself up to sound like one just to make myself laugh in order to keep myself from really freaking out. It's actually pretty fun... you should try it! Anyway, I had lunch on Friday with Natalie and Adri and love that they live so close to the office that I've been able to go and see them during Natalie's maternity leave. But, tomorrow, Natalie comes back to work... which means it's been 14.5 weeks since Adri was born. Oh my gosh!

I was actually fine about Adri being 14 weeks old until I went to Jill's blog and saw how big Andrea is getting. In the most recent pics Jill has put up, Andrea looks so much more like a little girl than a baby!! Granted she just turned one in mid-March, but still. Can these kids stop growing up, please?? That would be great, thanks.

Obviously, regardless of how many times I ask, the kids keep growing. The thing that worries me is that if I'm this "emotional" about my friends' kids growing up, I'm going to be a wreck when I have my own kids one of these days!! Good grief... maybe I should go ahead and buy some stock in Kleenex... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting! ;) Me too I am very protective and into kids as well, I pray I won't be a basket case when the time comes. Luckily, we've got time! =) Hope all is well.